Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Top 10 Photos of the Week

Another week has passed and the number of truly exceptional photos has been increasing. Of course the way we rate photo quality is on a strange and bizarreness scale that few other mere mortals can comprehend. They have to be somewhat painfully non-intellectual and if they cause reoccurring nightmares, so much the better.

Reaching for her head 584
Reaching for her head, she suddenly realized
she had forgotten to let her head sleep
Skiing Accident 690
Trying to maintain his image as a tough little kitty, Winston asked for the
pink bandages so he’d have to defend his manhood again and again
A lesson of the hands 095
The ceremonial “reading of the palms” never reveals much in the way of true insights
Egyptian Watermelon 755
The only bad part about eating an Egyptian watermelon
is having to spit out all the little Pharaohs
Sneaky Illegals 580
Crossing borders today has become an exercise in extreme sneakiness
Mini Darth Vader 586 
In an attempt to portray the “softer side” of Darth Vader and sell more action figures,
Mattel has added Mini Vader to their lineup. No word yet on Mini Hans or Mini Leia

Ant Wars 685
Giant ant or tiny helicopter? Either way, the military has no
planning scenarios for this type of battle
Extreme Anti-Terrorist Unit 594
Homeland Security’s new Cirque du Soleil anti-terrorism unit
Farmers in Space 583
When the South Dakota Corn Palace team showed up for the protest at Comcast
headquarters, they brought a whole new level of creativity to
make their point about “bad service”
Guinie Pig Spa 096
After the new G-Force movie, guinea pig spas have become the latest craze
Crazy Truck 840
Russian insurance companies often used the infamous “huff and puff and blow your
house down” machine to test a house’s insurability
Skiing Pyramid 584
Usually the biggest problems happens when one of the guys on the bottom has an itch
Atomic Energy Lab 860
Have you ever considered that our current energy shortages may stem
from our ban on nuclear energy toys like this one?
Alien Dog toy 694
Without nuclear energy toys we have lost our ability to create green-eyed dogs
Heavier than she looks 495
…and we have lost our ability to melt fences when we sit on them
Ice Circles 511
Without nuclear energy toys, we no longer see symbolic crop circles in the ice…
Nightmare Art 609
… or cross breeding faux pas coming out of the taxidermy shops
Sea Tiger 874
Sea tigers have neither gills nor blowholes. But what they lack in aquatic attributes
they more than make up for with style points
Contortionist Bugs 583
In the dragonfly world, this is an extreme x-rated photo that appeals
only to the lewd and kinky contortionist underground
Austin 678
After this ad, Cloning Laboratories new “Austin” model was a
run-away-and-sleep-with-someone best seller

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