Don’t let this innocent little baby’s looks deceive you. He is one conniving little bastard
I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, It’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope, which is what I do. And that enables you to laugh at life’s realities.
61.8% of the human body is water. Some people, slightly more
“After eating a large meatball last night my head still hurts”
Alien ship to their commanding officers: “Once again the political process on earth has failed
to elect any of our people. Please send dumber people!”
to elect any of our people. Please send dumber people!”
The game of cat and mouse was about to be turned upside down
A second ago he had a great idea …..but then it was gone
Warning: Use of steroids may cause extreme junk food cravings
Cow tipping was getting old, so he decided to move on to horses
Geometry class never teaches you how to dissect a love triangle
Even for primates, extreme vanity is like a supermodel gone weird
Randy used to laugh every time we mentioned the Colonel Mustard Curse,
but he’s not laughing anymore
but he’s not laughing anymore
In Hollywood, the need for stunt bears was rare,
but Yogi was determined to make a splash
but Yogi was determined to make a splash
“Maybe if I hide in here he won’t see me”
The architect of the Sky Barn overlooked one small problem – getting the cows in and out
The sewing-bike was an invention that never really caught on.
But neither did the sewing-blender or the sewing-lawnmower.
But neither did the sewing-blender or the sewing-lawnmower.
Enough with the sissy scooter jokes!
Drink Red Bull. Things happen! Yeah, …..things!
Living large in a world that shuns largeness
Sometimes its less about who’s right, and more about who’s wrong
Nelson, meet The Duke. Duke, meet Nelson
Note to Cops: Best not to give traffic tickets to lane stripers
Bacon Lake got its name for obvious reasons
Volvo’s new Street Luge was many things, but “radar friendly” was not one of them.
Every so often they found “added treasures” and dangling things between the books