Sunday, April 11, 2010

Top 10 Photos of the Week

Competition is a funny thing. Since everyone wants to be better than average and everyone is indeed better than average, then the bar for average gets raised and you’re still only average or below. Best to stick with below average. There’s less competition there.

Ear Cleaning 762
Next week congress is scheduled for their annual
“cleaning out of the ears” so they can listen better
If photos had sound, this would be a noisy one
Real-life Street-fighter 561
Power is about what you control. Freedom is about what you can unleash
Opposing Thumb 330
The next evolution of mankind will involve the addition of
a second opposable thumb along with Donald Trump’s invincible hair
Moon Cat 449
Someday the whole story will come out,
but that nine-lives thing still makes most astronauts jealous

Paid to Shark 476
Paid to shark
Ostrich Racing 563
The worst part about racing ostriches is the
sudden stops to bury their head in the ground.

Switching Roles 443
Once again its time for the annual Role-Reversal Day in Washington
Toilet Cemetary 466
Many people have dies on their toilets. At least it smells that way…
Retro Future Car 673
Who needs an iPod anyway?
Cat n Mouse 033
Never under estimate the power of cuteness
Captain Videogame 544
Much like the biblical power of Samson,
Comic Book Ned’s power came from his gravity-defying hair
When Japan declared war on Antarctica, we knew they had consumed a little too much sake
Puppy Vs Pink Highlighter 778
It was an epic battle with a quite formidable pink highlighter
Cat Hauler 673

School Bike 563
99.2% of all students said they would be more likely to stay in school
if the School Bus was traded in for a School Bike
Towel Spooks 660
Once again casual Friday takes another odd twist
Extreme Hippo Yawn 778
The hippo mating ritual involves striking one sensual pose after another.
This, however, was not one of them
Cup Pain 444
Apparently this was the last straw
Side Cade 288
Sometimes cats just ignore gravity
Rollercoaster Tanks 228
Nothing say “well-trained military” like roller coaster tanks
It must be really bad 805
It must be really bad

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