Vacuuming the lawn doesn’t seem quite so insane when she does it
Sheep can be unusually fast when it comes to making kids hate their parents
Some x-rays should never be shown to the patients
Yeah, the whole world is falling apart, but so what?
Bad traffic is always realative, but this really is bad traffic
Comfort is an illusion. Bed of roses or bed of nails. You decide
I’m thinking he just wants my quarter
Crazy, but barbed wire doesn’t notmally strike me a symbolic of peace
The secret electric life of plants
Nothing says great underwater photography by alien beings like FujiFilm
It was actually far more dangerous than it looked
Some sports just don’t need rules
When good monsters go bad
Stuck wiener!
I’ve got it!
“Hey Harold! Did you remember to close the hatch?”
“Okay, I think I’ll go with blue”
Once again Chester thought it would be funny to put some grease on the little guy’s hoofs
X wins!
“Now where the in the hell did I leave my teeth?”