Sunday, December 27, 2009

Feeling Cold? Try Chili Peppers To Boost Your Circulation

If the freezing temperatures are leaving you with painfully sore fingers and toes, some circulation-boosting herbs might be just what you need. Medically proven to enhance blood flow, they will help to keep warm blood pumping to where you need it that much longer.

‘Good blood flow is vital, not just for warmth, but to bring oxygen, glucose, vitamins and minerals to the tissues,’ explains Dr Sarah Brewer, GP and author of Essential Guide To Vitamins, Minerals And Herbal Supplements.

‘Unfortunately, cold temperatures cause blood vessels to constrict, and when it is very cold they can constrict so much that blood supply becomes minimal. Fingers andtoes can become painful, numb and stiff, making your hands difficult to use.
‘You can also develop small, itchy and painful swellings called chilblains. At worst, freezing temperatures cause frostbite where tissue is damaged and may actually start to die.’
Women, says Dr Brewer, are particularly susceptible. ‘We are more efficient at pooling blood centrally to maintain our core body temperature,’ she explains. ‘This reduces blood flow to the arms and legs, so we feel the cold more than men do.’

Chili widens the arteries, producing a warming sensation

Here are plant extracts that have been shown to be effective at giving blood supply a boost.
Capsacain, the substance that gives chili its fiery edge, stimulates receptors in the gut that, in turn, stimulate circulation to the hands, feet and head. ‘Chili promotes vasodilation, or widening of the arteries, and it stimulates nerve endings to produce a warming sensation,’ explains Dr Brewer.
Tip: You don’t need much to break into a sweat – a medium curry will give an instant warming effect.
Acting in a similar way to aspirin, garlic boosts circulation by thinning the blood and preserving the elasticity of arteries and capillaries.
A study at the University of Saarland in Germany found that 800mg of garlic powder – the equivalent of half a garlic clove taken each day for a month – increased microcirculation in capillaries and arteries beneath the skin by  47.6 per cent.
Tip: Add half a raw clove daily to salads or sauces.
Substances in ginger called gingerols have a dilating effect on arteries, boosting blood flow. Research at Cornell Medical
School in the US found that ginger reduces levels of bad cholesterol and thins blood, preventing clot formation.
Tip: For a warming infusion, mash 30g of fresh ginger with a fork and simmer for ten minutes in hot water.
Extracts from the gingko biloba tree have been found to enhance circulation to the hands, feet and brain. It’s also rich in molecules called flavonoids, which protect blood vessels from damage and help improve memory.
‘In one trial in which people took gingko extract every day, researchers found blood flow to hands and feet increased by 57 per cent in just one hour,’ says Dr Brewer.
Research at Ninewells Hospital, Dundee, found that when sufferers of Raynaud’s disease (in which blood flow to extremities is severely disrupted by the cold) took ginkgo biloba extract every day for ten weeks, attacks of numbness and pain to the hands and feet fell by 56 per cent.
Tip: Try VeinTain, a circulation enhancing supplement containing ginkgo biloba.
‘A pine bark extract known as pycnogenol enhances microcirculation, particularly in the capillaries, or tiny blood vessels beneath the skin,’ says Dr Brewer. published in the journal Angiology found it enhanced circulation in the legs and feet, speeding healing time in those with chronic ulcers.
Tip: Take a daily supplement of Pycnogenol.
Considered to be a warming herb and used in Chinese medicine for conditions caused by coldness, cinnamon enhances circulation, especially to the fingers andtoes. Essential oils – including one called cinnamaldehyde – are thought to be responsible for this effect. While research is still at an early stage, a study at Georgetown University in the US found this sweet-tasting spice lowers blood pressure – possibly by enhancing circulation to the body’s extremities.
Tip: Cinnamon helps to balance blood sugar, too. Sprinkle a generous helping on to a bowl of porridge, muesli or cappuccino for warmth and energy.
Essential oils and a substance called rosmaricine in rosemary are currently being investigated for their beneficial effects on circulation to the brain, hands and feet.
Rosemary is thought to work like gingko, boosting circulation, then delivering protective molecules that preserve tissue and protect it from ageing.
In a study at California’s Burnham Institute for Medical Research, rosemary was found to protect the brain from damage caused by stroke as well as the effects of ageing.
Dr Brewer says: ‘Rosemary is used by medical herbalists to improve circulation to the hands and feet by increasing bloodvessel dilation.
‘Products containing rosemary extract or essential oil are often massaged into the scalp to improve blood flow to the hair follicles.’
Tip: Add several sprigs of rosemary to roasts, stews and soups or simmer two fresh sprigs in a small saucepan of water for five minutes and drink as a herbal tea.


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